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Greeley Strategic Performance

The City of Greeley is committed to serving its residents through transparent, effective, and efficient operational practices and long-term strategic planning.

With a balanced perspective for serving residents now and planning for the community's future, Greeley City Council and leadership have created a blueprint (a strategic plan) of the most important work that will help us be a leading municipal government across the state.

Greeley City Council Introduction

Greeley is a city that knows where it came from and where it is going. With a clear picture of who we are and pride in our roots, the Greeley City Council 2037 vision honors the strength, bountiful resources, diversity, entrepreneurial and creative spirit that is Greeley now and in the future.

Greeley City Council Vision

Greeley will be a future-focused city. One that is intentionally developed, safe, affordable, innovative, sustainable, healthy, and inclusive. Seven Key Focus Areas will guide the work that will affirm Greeley as a place where people choose to make their dreams come true and call home.

Key Focus Areas

On Target In Progress Not Started
Business Growth
Community Vitality
High Performance Government
Housing for All
Infrastructure and Mobility
Quality of Life Amenities
Safe and Secure Communities

Business Growth

We are a community with an inviting and reliable environment that recruits, retains, and grows a diversity of businesses, resulting in a resilient economy. Our competitive advantage comes from our skilled workforce, higher wage jobs, ability to collaborate, and expansive business landscape. 

  • Create an Economic Development Strategy.
  • Consider a reimagined brand for Greeley that transforms the image, reputation, and perceptions of who we are as a livable and business-oriented community.
  • Assess and evaluate the structure and organization of the Economic Health & Housing (EHH) Department.
  • Develop a Tourism Master Plan.

Community Vitality

Greeley is an inviting community of choice that is developed by design. The City’s innovative growth management, as reflected in its codes and master plans, intentionally develops the vitality which all residents and visitors enjoy. The City balances new development, redevelopment, and the preservation of open space and natural areas. Quality gateways, connectivity, and a vast network of entertainment, eateries, and abundant recreational opportunities make us the best place to live, work and play.

  • Develop a sub-area planning strategy to provide master plan guidance in key locations.
  • Upgrade Metro District Standards with clear intent of community expectations.
  • Establish design standards and strategies that promote high quality development.
  • Review Development Code to Include New Overlay Districts.
  • Update the City Entryway Plan.
  • Enhance the City's Code Compliance program to foster neighborhood success in meeting property use and maintenance standards.

High Performance Government

As the state’s municipal employer of choice, we thrive as a high-performing organization committed to effective systems, strategies, structures, strategic planning, and customer service. We live up to our values of transparency, accountability, and responsible stewardship of our resources. We are a strong and healthy organization that has a positive culture and a high level of employee and resident engagement and satisfaction.

  • Maintain viable and reliable enterprise systems/structures rooted in best practice.
  • Create and implement a comprehensive strategy to maximize organizational health that will position Greeley with a positive working culture, as a known employer of choice, and as a high-performing local government.
  • Develop a consistent strategy for customer service with performance measures, including a phased approach dependent on resources (i.e. key performance indicators and/or service levels).
  • Conduct regular assessments for organizational services and operations to maximize efficiency and effectiveness.

Housing for All

Greeley is rich in diversity of housing where all residents have options for healthy and independent living that contribute to maximizing the appeal of the community. Residents of all socio-economic levels can secure quality housing choices. The City’s partnerships with nonprofits and local and national developers are a model for creating and sustaining diverse housing stock.

  • Establish the expectations and opportunities for a full range of housing types.
  • Identify, evaluate, and provide incentive programs to stimulate desired housing in community opportunity areas.
  • Pursue a collaborative to provide a housing continuum for homeless individuals.
  • Complete a community Housing Needs Assessment and development proto-type plan.
  • Work to include walkable neighborhoods, including retrofitting developments and new developments for site-based improvements.
  • Develop strong partnerships with for-profit and non-profit housing developers.
  • Explore merits of reestablishing the City's Neighborhood Services Division.
  • Review, update and restructure the G-HOPE program to meet current market gaps.
  • Aggressively pursue state and federal housing grant opportunities to implement the city's housing strategy.

Infrastructure and Mobility

We strategically plan, design, and build our urban infrastructure systems and facilities so they are attractive, safe, and high performing. We thoughtfully manage our assets and investments to perpetually sustain their appeal, life cycle value, and function.

  • Ensure the delivery of a comprehensive asset management program to keep infrastructure resilient and in good repair.
  • Continue to invest and build strategies relative to water resources specifically focusing on the delivery of well-planned safe and reliable water services, including water supply, wastewater treatment, stormwater management and customer experience.
  • Implement multi-year planning process for an improved CIP.
  • Direct efforts and funding on priority corridors, improved neighborhood connectivity, equity and enhanced mobility options (transit, bicycling, walking, powered micro mobility vehicles) system wide to address existing and future needs.
  • Plan, finance and implement well-planned wastewater and stormwater infrastructure to protect human health and safety and to ensure environmental regulatory compliance.
  • Develop an annual strategic communication plan that identifies key messages relevant to the priorities of water, sewer, and stormwater services.
  • Continue to engage in regional water groups to advance Greeley's interests.

Quality of Life Amenities

Greeley is not only a destination city but also a community where residents enjoy the arts, social engagement, outdoor pursuits, beautiful vistas, and natural areas. Parks, trails, and recreational facilities are close to home. Annual festivals, museums, and celebrations reflect our rich cultural heritage and also welcome new traditions. Educational opportunities for lifelong learning are abundant. Innovative entertainment districts, appealing regional shopping, and foods from around the world ensure that everyone can enjoy a high quality of life. Greeley has something for everyone.

  • Develop standards for the landscape maintenance of City owned and/or managed property.
  • Identify, expand, develop and promote signature community destinations.
  • Execute the developed and approved strategy to preserve, acquire and maintain City open space and natural areas.
  • Maintain and strengthen community partnerships that foster distinctive community events and celebrations unique to Greeley's present and emerging populations and groups.
  • Expand programming, services and facilities to support and enrich youth development community-wide.

Safe and Secure Communities

Greeley is a community where residents and visitors work in partnership with public safety personnel to ensure their neighborhoods are attractive, well-maintained, safe, and secure. Everyone feels respected and treated fairly. People are supported and provided with resources and options to help resolve problems. Greeley is a community that is both committed and confident we are well-prepared to respond with resources needed to address emergencies and to continue essential operations and services.

  • Foster trust in public safety services through community policing.
  • Develop and maintain continuity of operations strategies in the areas of mitigation, preparedness, response, and recovery (4 phases of emergency management) to enhance community resiliency.
  • Build alternative service-delivery options to enhance public safety response within the community.
  • Strategically develop the Office of Emergency Management so that the City is capable of ensuring a safe and resilient community through public awareness, valuable partnerships, and effective emergency management.
  • Ready the Fire Department to pursue international accreditation to better serve our community and to embrace excellence.
  • Build and maintain an effective Public Safety workforce based on the organization recruitment and retention strategy.
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