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Greeley Urban Renewal Authority

The Greeley Urban Renewal Authority (GURA) is the administrator of the City’s federal grants from the U. S. Department of Housing and Urban Development that provide funding for a wide range of housing and neighborhood assistance activities, particularly to the benefit of low-moderate- income residents and neighborhoods. As an urban renewal authority, it is the manager of four Tax Increment Districts which provide for commercial rehabilitation and development within the urban renewal boundaries. Additionally, GURA has oversight of some City programs (such as the G-Hope Down Payment Assistance Program) and is involved in affordable housing and other City-provided redevelopment incentives.

Planning Process for 2024 CDBG and HOME Funds Finalizes with Public Hearing

  • October 17, 2023, 6:00, City Council Chambers, 1001 11th Avenue, Greeley or virtually via Zoom

The Greeley City Council will hold a public hearing at its October 17, 2023, meeting. The purpose of the hearing is to entertain public comment on the proposed 2024 budgets for use of Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) and HOME Investment Partnership Program (HOME) funds. Any comment received during the public hearing will be taken into consideration as the 2024 budgets are approved.

The budgets include funding for public services, public infrastructure, affordable housing, and grant administration. Approved budgets will fund the 2024 program year, which begins January 1, 2024. The CDBG and HOME grant come to the City annually from the U. S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD).

Council Chambers is accessible; other accommodations can be supported with 72 hours advance notice to the City Clerk’s office.

Annual Process for Community Development Block Grant and HOME Investment Partnership Program Grant

The application process for 2024 CDBG funds has closed. Funds will become available June 1, 2024 for 2025 CDBG funds. Developers who are interested in HOME funds should contact J. R. Salas at 970-350-9380 or any time during the year. Additional information on CDBG and/or HOME grants is available from GURA staff (970-350-9380) during normal business hours.

What is CDBG?


Community Development Block Grants are grants provided to larger cities and urban counties by the U. S. Dept. of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) to help develop viable communities by providing funds for decent housing, suitable living environments, and opportunities to expand economic opportunities, principally for low- and moderate-income (LMI) households. The City of Greeley annually receives approximately $840,000, 70% of which must be used to the benefit of low- to moderate-income households and/or neighborhoods. CDBG is an important tool for helping the City tackle challenges facing the community. Greeley has received CDBG funds for more than 30 years. The City’s five-year priorities for use of the CDBG can be found in the flyers linked below.

CDBG Application Process

The City's CDBG application process begins June 1 annually, with a budget approved by City Council in October (for use of funds in the year following approval). Applications are only accepted outside of the normal process with unusual circumstances. The links below provide information on the CDBG application process.

Single-family, Owner-occupied Housing Rehab Grant Program

Emergency grants up to $7,500 are available on a one-time basis to single-family, owner-occupants with incomes considered by HUD as low (at or below 50% of Area Median Income as established by HUD; check with GURA for current maximum incomes). Complete an application or contact us at 970-350-9380for additional information.

Affordable Rent Policy for CDBG

As a City receiving Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) funds from the U. S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD), it is required that standards for determining “affordable rents” for housing that receives support from the CDBG program be adopted and made public. Use this link to see current policy with regard to “affordable rents” in the City’s CDBG program.

CDBG is a federal grant program through the U. S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD). Find information on CDBG, the Housing Rehab Grant activity, and federal cross-cutting issues associated with CDBG (such as Section 3) here, as well as information on the 2023 CDBG application process, which begins June 1, 2022 (subject to change; check back throughout the summer of 2022 for updated information).


What is the HOME Investment Partnership Program?


The HOME Investment Partnership Program is a federal grant to the City to assist in providing affordable housing. The City receives approximately $300,000 annually to assist developers of affordable housing products: multi-family developments and single-family development. The HOME funds may be combined with other development financing, such as CDBG, funds from the State of Colorado, Private Activity Bonds, and/or Low-Income Housing Tax Credits. Through the HOME Program, which the City has received for nearly 30 years, the City has supported housing developments for persons with disabilities, for seniors, for migrant workers and farm laborers, and other developments for low-income persons. The City has also provided significant support with HOME funds for Habitat for Humanity developments. HOME funds may be applied for by developers year-round as funds are available. Many federal restrictions apply; please contact GURA staff prior to submitting an application.

For information on applying for HOME Investment Partnership Program funds, please contact GURA at 970-350-9380 or

The HOME Investment Partnership Program is another federal grant through HUD. It provides funds for to assist with the City’s affordable housing needs. Funds are available to assist developers of affordable housing or for multi-family rehab, if the developments will serve/serve the low-income population. Find application and other pertinent HOME grant information here.


Section 3


Section 3 is a program of the U. S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) that requires that recipients of certain HUD financial assistance (such as the City) to provide training, employment, contracting and other economic opportunities to low- and very low-income persons, especially those persons who receive government assistance for housing, and to businesses that provide economic opportunities to low- and very low-income persons (to the greatest extend feasible). The City has Section 3 responsibilities under some of the activities it supports with CDBG, HOME, and other HUD grant funds. HUD provides a website specific to Section 3 at: Information there could be beneficial to business concerns and low-income workers.

Fair Housing

What is the Fair Housing Act?

The Fair Housing Act protects people in protected classes from discrimination when they are renting or buying a home, getting a mortgage, seeking housing assistance, or engaging in other housing-related activities. Additional protections apply to federally-assisted housing. Classes protected under the Fair Housing Act are: Race, Color, National Origin, Religion, Sex, Familial Status, and Disability. Colorado adds to those protected classes: Creed, Sexual Orientation, Marital Status, and Ancestry.

What is the Fair Housing Act NOT?

The Fair Housing Act does not protect persons of low-income or age. It does not address the condition of a housing unit or rent increases. There are exemptions within The Act. HUD provides a Fair Housing webpage, which includes instructions on how to file a fair housing complaint.

Find information on other federal requirements associated with the CDBG and HOME grants here, including information on Section 3 and Fair Housing.

HUD-Logo-157City of Greeley logo

In its 2020-2024 planning, the City identified the support for affordable housing as a high priority. Support is being made available through several means, including CDBG, HOME, Private Activity Bonds, and Redevelopment District Incentives. (All or none may apply to a proposed development.) Each type of funding has its own criteria and/or regulations that must be adhered to.

Applications for affordable housing activities may be submitted at any time throughout the year with awards continuing as funds are available. Contact GURA prior to submittal of an application.

Find information here for incentives in the Redevelopment District and Private Activity Bonds.


Information is available here on the city’s required plans, reports, and studies associated with the CDBG and HOME grant programs.

Colorado logo

"Urban Renewal" is an economic development tool used by local governments to economically revitalize areas of "blight" through public investments that stimulate private development. Colorado's urban renewal statute can be used for both development and redevelopment and provides local authorities with tools, such as tax increment financing, to encourage urban renewal activities.

The Greeley Urban Renewal Authority (GURA) conducted surveys in areas with suspected blight, and as a result formed four Tax Increment Districts: Greeley Mall; Great Western Sugar, 10th Street Corridor, and East 8th Street. Tax increment funds may be available in each of those districts to promote economic stability and/or redevelopment and are identified below. For more information on urban renewal authorities, tax increment districts and tax increment financing, or the City's Tax Increment Districts, please contact GURA.

GURA may also offer other redevelopment incentives from time-to-time utilizing funds other than its federal HUD grants or funds from Tax Increment Districts. Currently, the following loan program is offered. Contact GURA for additional information.

Tax Increment District Programs

10th Street Commercial Corridor Facade Grant Program

Private land owners or businesses with property in this Corridor who want to make physical improvements to their property may apply for financial assistance. The funds for this program are provided through the City's special Tax Increment Financing designation for the corridor, which makes financial assistance available to support physical improvements to property in the area.

Other Non-federal GURA-Administered Redevelopment Programs

Commercial Property and Facade Improvement Program

Owners of commercial buildings in the City's Redevelopment District (which encompasses all Tax Increment Districts, but also a larger area) are eligible for low-interest loan assistance for certain building and facade improvement projects.

GURA Studies and Urban Renewal Plans

GURA Board of Commisioners Minutes

Recent meeting documents are available below, or contact us at 970-350-9774 for additional information.

Information is here on commercial property façade improvement programs, Urban Renewal studies and plans, and GURA Board of Commissioners minutes.


Greeley Home Ownership Program for Employees (G-HOPE)

The City of Greeley has established a Home Ownership Program for Employees (G-HOPE) to promote more home ownership in east Greeley, specifically inside the established redevelopment and university districts. Through the program, down payment assistance is available to employees whose employer is based in east Greeley and for home purchases in targeted neighborhoods. The eligible area includes a total of 10.7 square miles, making 23,000 homes eligible for the program with up to $8,000 available per buyer.

Employers are encouraged to participate in G-HOPE. They may also want to consider adopting their own down payment assistance program in companion with G-HOPE.

For details about the program including eligibility and a program area map, view the below G-HOPE flyer.

Download the G-HOPE Information Flyer

For questions or to apply, contact the Greeley Urban Renewal Authority at 970-350-9380.

The City offer programs administered through GURA that may benefit developers within the Redevelopment District. GURA, as a division of the Economic Health and Housing Department, also provides knowledge and assistance as needed for other City programs, such as implementation of the Strategic Housing Plan and the City’s Redevelopment Incentive Program.

Strategic Housing Plan

The Strategic Housing Plan was adopted in 2019 with input from a Housing Accessibility Task Force. The Economic Health and Housing Department is the lead City department and has responsibility for implementing the action items identified in the Study, with assistance from other departments.

City of Greeley Strategic Housing Plan

Redevelopment Incentive Program

To stimulate reinvestment in the City's Redevelopment District, the City provides tools to address redevelopment project 'gap financing' on a case-by-case basis for projects that will improve the economic performance of the area with complementary development. The document linked below provides a summary of incentives:

2018 Redevelopment Incentive Program Summary

Information about the Strategic Housing Plan, Redevelopment Incentive Program, and other City program.

Economic Health and Housing

1100 10th Street, Suite 402
Greeley, CO 80631

Monday - Friday
8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.

970-350-9380 tel
970-350-9828 fax

GURA Meetings

We meet on the second Wednesday of each month at 4:30 p.m. at City Hall Annex 4th Floor Conference Room 1100 10th Street Greeley, CO 80631
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