Imagine Greeley

An Update of the Comprehensive Plan

Founded on the principles of “temperance, religion, education, agriculture, irrigation, cooperation, and family values,” the original Union Colonists envisioned a “utopian” community on the high plains of northern Colorado. One hundred-forty years later, contemporary residents again imagine a remarkable future for Greeley, articulated in this 20-year planning document.

The City of Greeley Comprehensive Plan becomes the fifth master plan formally adopted by the City Council beyond the original plan for the community in 1869. This update of the City’s comprehensive plan focused on targeted updates to help the City and community better address important issues and opportunities that emerged since the prior plan’s adoption in 2009. Community input during the development of this Comprehensive Plan was gathered through a public outreach process called Imagine Greeley. It includes two distinct, but inter-related efforts: 1) An update to the City’s 2060 Comprehensive Plan; and 2) Identification of priority community improvements.

Imagine Greeley includes a Vision Statement, 12 Core Values, Goals and Objectives for ten plan elements, a Growth Framework, and an Action Plan describing the responsibilities and timing of recommended actions to meet the Goals and Objectives.

Imagine Greeley, an update of the City of Greeley 2060 Comprehensive Plan becomes the fifth master plan formally adopted by the City Council on February 6, 2018 beyond the original settlement of the community.

The Plan

Informed by data, trends, current conditions, and community input, this Plan serves as a roadmap that will guide City policies and decision-making towards the community’s shared vision for the future. The vision (see Chapter 2) is interwoven throughout the Plan and forms the basis for its goals, objectives, and implementation actions. Together these components seek to answer the following questions:

  • What is our desired future?
  • What are our shared values as a community?
  • What are the ideals we are striving for?
  • What specific outcomes are we seeking to achieve through day-to-day decision making?
  • What specific steps will we need to take to accomplish these?

Achieving the Plan’s vision will require an ongoing and long-term commitment on the part of City staff, elected and appointed officials, and members of the community. At the same time, this Plan acknowledges that the vision, core values, goals, objectives, and implementation actions may need to change in the future in order to address new issues or take advantage of new opportunities that were unforeseen when the Plan was first adopted.

Greeley is a great city; together we can make it even better!

Read the plan in its entirety, or download and read the chapters separately.


Visioning and Meetings

Community Workshop #2 

Contact Us

Long Range Planning

1100 10th Street - 2nd Floor
Greeley, CO 80631

970-350-9780 tel

Long Range Planner:

Community Development Director: