Neighborhood and Sub-Area Studies and Plans

Neighborhoods area fundamental building block of Greeley's community. Neighborhood/Area Plans and Studies are intended to provide a means for neighborhoods to identify, preserve, and enhance the positive qualities of neighborhoods; to acknowledge and address existing issues or problems; and to set goals and priorities that will shape the future of the neighborhood. Planning allows a community to become proactive in response to neighborhood issues and invites the diverse interests within a neighborhood to come together for the purpose of developing a shared vision.

The Imagine Greeley Comprehensive Plan is the community's guiding document on planning and policy direction for advancing the community's vision in each plan element, yet, because the Comprehensive Plan is very high level in scope, detailed planning and policy direction is supported by smaller neighborhood/sub-area plans and studies such as the Parks, Trails, and Open Lands Master Plan, the Bicycle Master Plan, Transit Strategic Plan, or the Transportation Master Plan. Each align with the community's vision, as expressed throughout the Comprehensive Plan.

Over the years, Greeley's Planning Division has worked on several different neighborhood/sub-area plans and studies with community members to set goals and priorities that shaped their neighborhood. The neighborhood/sub-area plans and studies are listed below.

For updates on the implementation of the various plans see the report cards for the various studies, or visit our Planning, GURA, or Neighborhood Resource Office pages.

High quality study maps and photos are typically available upon request.

Neighborhood Conditions Studies and Urban Renewal Plans can be found on the Greeley Urban Renewal Authority page.

Strategic Housing Plan

During the development of the Imagine Greeley Comprehensive Plan, housing was a key component and identified by citizens as a major influencer on Greeley’s quality of life and livability.

Greeley aspires to provide a range of housing to accommodate its diverse and growing population. Diversity in housing would mean a variety in housing types and a broad range in price. Because communities are largely defined by the type, style, and cost of housing it is important for Greeley to have a clear understanding of housing conditions with strategies to shape future growth.

A Strategic Housing Plan for Greeley was adopted by City Council on February 19, 2019. This Plan identifies key constraints or challenges to Greeley’s housing market and identifies possible strategies to address housing affordability and supply.


West 10th Street Corridor Neighborhood Study

Additional information can be found on Public Works' 10th St Improvements page.

UNC Neighborhood Study

Sunrise Neighborhood Study

John Evans Neighborhood Plan

Smaller studies

Sub-Area Studies

East Greeley-Weld Study

The East Greeley/Weld County Sub-Area Study is the basis for an intergovernmental agreement with Weld County and incorporated as an element of the City of Greeley Comprehensive Plan. The study generally covers an area from 8th Street to Hwy 34 and east Hwy. 85 to the confluence of the Cache la Poudre River and South Platte River. This study can be a useful tool to help address the existing combination of industrial, commercial and residential uses that may lead to land use conflicts in the future if they are uncoordinated.

The intent of this plan is to provide an overarching guide to land uses, services and infrastructure development in order to achieve complementary growth of this community.

This Study Summary is a brief composite of the full East Greeley / Weld County Sub-Area Study, dated September 2009. Readers are advised to consult the entire study in order to fully understand the data supporting the findings and recommendations. The full study also functions as a complete reference document for historic, existing, and projected conditions in East Greeley. The full study was adopted by both the City of Greeley and Weld County in 2009.

Background Documents

Contact Us

Long Range Planning

1100 10th Street - 2nd Floor
Greeley, CO 80631

970-350-9780 tel

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