Providing citizens information on how the City of Greeley is making daily strides to protect community health and safety through the management of the oil and gas industry.

Greeley Colorado A City Achieving Community Excellence

Community Safety and Protection

How is the City of Greeley protecting community safety?

The Greeley Fire Department coordinates proactive management programs and emergency response with other groups operating in the Front Range region including fire, police, and medical emergency crews, the Colorado Preparedness and Response Network, the COGCC, CDPHE, and US EPA.

  1. Setbacks, or the required distance between an oil and gas site from various forms of human development, are used to protect community health and safety. Current setback distances are based on municipal regulations.
  2. Site inspections performed by Code Compliance and the Greeley Fire Department are to ensure industry compliance with local municipal laws and the 2018 International Fire Code regulations. Site inspections occur throughout the life of an oil and gas site from initial site construction to final closure. Inspections are conducted as part of the re-permitting process. They are also conducted if community nuisance complaints are issued or if site use changes occur.
  3. A Facility Database that contains historic and current records of industry sites, from initial permitting to final closure. This database is also used by the Greeley Fire Department to develop Emergency Action Plans in the event an incident impacting community health and safety occurs.
  4. Emergency Action Plans (EAP) are created to aid in the timely and safe response of emergency crews (fire, EMS, and police) and site operators if an incident occurs at an oil and gas site. These plans help emergency responders identify the types of operations and materials located on-site and how to protect the safety of the public, emergency crews, industry workers, nearby infrastructure (roads, utilities, and property), and natural resources. These plans are drafted between the Greeley Fire Department, site owners, and industry operators during the initial permitting process. They are updated during subsequent inspections by the Greeley Fire Department or to reflect most current site use.
  5. A Tactical Response Plan (TRP) is a set of emergency response guidelines used by emergency crews in the event of an incident at an oil and gas site. These plans include site specifications, nearby critical receptors (buildings, human populations, and natural resources), incident command protocols, and available emergency resources. The TRP card was introduced by the Greeley Fire Department and has been developed in partnership with other fire districts, emergency managers, and industry staff. This collaboration has allowed for the successful protection of community safety through the efficient use of resources and expertise across northeastern Colorado.
  6. Collaboration and training with other regulatory groups (county, state, and federal) and oil and gas operators to facilitate efficient and effective industry management. This includes classroom and on-site training between industry managers, emergency response personnel, and industry staff to facilitate knowledge sharing. City of Greeley inspectors also interface with state inspectors through a professional referral program for greater industry oversight.
  7. Participation in Federal programs such as in the Environmental Protection Agency's (EPA) Local Emergency Planning Committees (LEPCs) program, as required by the Emergency Planning and Community Right-to-Know Act (EPCRA). An LEPC “must develop an emergency response plan, review the plan at least annually, and provide information about chemicals in the community to citizens. Plans are developed by LEPCs with stakeholder participation. The LEPC membership must include (at a minimum):
    • Elected state and local officials
    • Police, fire, civil defense, and public health professionals
    • Environment, transportation, and hospital officials
    • Facility representatives
    • Representatives from community groups and the media” (US EPA, 2019).
If you have a question, concern, or complaint concerning the oil and gas industry or its operations, please visit the HELP page so we can direct you to the appropriate staff member to resolve your inquiry.
Contact Us

Planning and Zoning

1100 10th Street - 2nd Floor
Greeley, CO 80631

970-350-9780 tel

Hours of Operation 8:00AM - 5:00PM

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