Providing citizens information on how the City of Greeley is making daily strides to protect community health and safety through the management of the oil and gas industry.

Greeley Colorado A City Achieving Community Excellence

Oil and Gas in Greeley

The City of Greeley supports the responsible and balanced development of oil and gas. The City also recognizes that the State, through the Colorado Oil and Gas Conservation Commission (COGCC), has significant regulatory control and responsibilities for local drilling. This authority was clarified in 1992 when the City of Greeley lost a Colorado Supreme Court ruling (Voss v. Lundvall Brothers, Inc., 830 P. 2d 1061) after seeking to prohibit oil and gas development within city limits. Generally, the State’s regulations control below-ground activity and the active drilling process (including hydraulic fracturing, commonly known as fracking, which is done during the completion of the well).

Many activities associated with drilling and producing can still be managed through City regulations. In April 2013, the Greeley City Council and COGCC completed a Memorandum of Understanding, in which the State agreed to defer to the City on matters that harmonize and do not conflict with State rules.

Oil and Gas complaints

The COGCC has created a dedicated webpage that contains the following:

  • A newly developed and easy-to-use tool to file a complaint online.
  • Guidance for how to file a complaint.  To be considered a formal complaint, all complaints are required to be in a written format.
  • Questions and answers related to the complaint process, including what to expect and the rights of the complainant.
  • Guidance and tools to search for complaints already filed.

 File a complaint with the COGCC

More Information

You are invited to explore the links on this page to learn more about the industry. If you have further questions or concerns, please visit our help page so you can be directed to the appropriate City division to address your inquiry. For a list of upcoming community events, please visit the Community Safety and Protection page.

Contact Us

Planning and Zoning

1100 10th Street - 2nd Floor
Greeley, CO 80631

970-350-9780 tel

Hours of Operation 8:00AM - 5:00PM

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