Poudre Ponds Capacity Project

Poudre Ponds play a crucial role in managing Greeley’s water resources. Current work involves draining Pond A for gravel mining and increasing the site’s non-potable water storage capacity to 3,000 acre-feet. Mining is expected to conclude by late 2025 or early 2026. Recreational improvements like fishing and non-motorized vehicles are also a part of this project.

For more information about the project, you can email water@greeleygov.com.

Be sure to check back often for project updates and photos.

Poudre Ponds project - Pond A

Non-Potable Water Storage and Delivery

Greeley has used non-potable water (water not treated to drinking water standards) to irrigate for over 100 years. In 1870, Greeley began using the No. 3 Ditch for watering parks and gardens. When cost-effective, the city continues to build non-potable facilities to irrigate grass on large properties such as parks, businesses, and common areas of homeowners' associations. The city is developing a policy to encourage more non-potable irrigation by commercial and residential development.

The Water Department’s Non-potable Team operates 40 non-potable pump stations between March 30 and October 31 but is adding more each year.

Greeley Irrigation Company Number 3 Ditch

Greeley Irrigation Company headgate

The No. 3 Ditch is 13 miles long and runs west of 71st Avenue to just south of the Weld County Airport at Fern Avenue. The City of Greeley owns approximately 25 percent shares in the Greeley Irrigation Company.

Poudre Ponds

Ariel view of Poudre Ponds

The Poudre Ponds storage facility is in north Greeley between 25th and 35th Avenues between F and O Streets. The area contains two ponds (Pond A and Pond B). Each can store 1,500 acre-feet (approximately 489 million gallons) of water. In addition to water storage, the site also offers recreational fishing.

Overland Trail Ponds

Overland Trail Ponds

These ponds are along the Poudre River north of Fort Collins. Overland Trail Ponds will be entirely online by 2022. Greeley owns 51 percent of the project.

If you have any questions concerning a particular ditch, canal, lake, pond, or a non-potable site in the Greeley area, please call 970-371-3728.

Contact Us

Greeley Water and Sewer
1001 11th Avenue, 2nd Floor
Greeley, CO 80631

Monday - Friday, 8am - 5pm
970-350-9805 fax

(Select an option)
1 Make a payment
2 Utility billing or service questions
3 Water emergency
4 Sewer emergency
5 Water quality
6 Water conservation, new water taps or raw water dedication
7 Lead protection program
8 New water meter

Backflow and Cross-connection Program

Lead Protection Program

Wastewater Treatment and Reclamation Facility

Water Conservation

Water Quality

Water Resources and Supply